Specialized Payment Procedure 624-05-20-10-25
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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PI 17-25
The payment for EMP specialized family foster care is made with foster care funds.
The child's social worker is responsible for getting the signed agreement (SFN 904, "Agreement to Furnish Specialized Family Foster Care Services"). The agreement must be signed by the foster parent, administrative county and regional supervisor. It is important that this be done in a timely manner when the decision is made that this excess payment need exists. It is not the Department’s practice to back date agreements. The duration of the agreement should not exceed the end of the court order, or the end of the biennium, whichever is earlier.
The EMP payment in Specialized Family Foster Care is handled as part of the maintenance payment as an irregular payment on CCWIPS. Refer to Service Chapter 623-05 for more information.